Prof. Dr. Michael Kvasnicka

Applied Economics

Prof. Dr. Michael Kvasnicka

Universitätsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg, G22D-103

Nicht begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Home bias in top economics journals

Bethmann, Dirk; Bransch, Felix; Kvasnicka, Michael; Sadrieh, Abdolkarim

In: Bonn, Germany: IZA - Institute of Labor Economics, 2023, 1 Online-Ressource (circa 53 Seiten) - (Discussion paper series; IZA; no. 15965)

Immigration and crimes against natives - the 2015 refugee crisis in Germany

Huang, Yue; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Bonn, Germany: IZA - Institute of Labor Economics, 2019, 1 Online-Ressource (circa 42 Seiten), Illustrationen - (Discussion paper series; IZA; no. 12469)

Immigration and crimes against natives - the 2015 refugee crisis in Germany

Huang, Yue; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg: Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Der Dekan, 2019, 1 Online-Ressource (39 Seiten, 1,39 MB) - (Working paper series; Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Faculty of Economics and Management; no. 2019, 6)

The 2015 European refugee crisis and residential housing rents in Germany

Kürschner Rauck, Kathleen; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Bonn, Germany: IZA, 2018, 1 Online-Ressource (circa 34 Seiten) - (Discussion paper series; IZA; no. 12047)

The 2015 European refugee crisis and residential housing rents in Germany

Kürschner Rauck, Kathleen; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg: Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Der Dekan, 2018, 31 Seiten, Diagramm - (Working paper series; Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Faculty of Economics and Management; 2018, No.13)

Local labor markets and the persistence of population shocks

Braun, Sebastian; Kramer, Anica; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Magdeburg: Univ., Faculty of Economics and Management, 2017, 26 Seiten - (Working paper series; Otto von Guericke University, FEMM, Faculty of Economics and Management; 2017,No.15)

Male gatekeepers - gender bias in the publishing process?

Bransch, Felix; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Magdeburg: Univ., Faculty of Economics and Management, 2017, 35 Seiten - (Working paper series; Otto von Guericke University, FEMM, Faculty of Economics and Management; 2017,No.16)

International tax evasion, state purchases of condential bank data and voluntary disclosures

Bethmann, Dirk; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Magdeburg: Univ., Faculty of Economics and Management, 2016, 19 Seiten, Diagramme - (Working paper series; Otto von Guericke University, FEMM, Faculty of Economics and Management; 2016,1)

Temporary agency work and the great recession

Baumgarten, Daniel; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Magdeburg: Univ., Faculty of Economics and Management, 2016, 23 Seiten, Diagramme - (Working paper series; Otto von Guericke University, FEMM, Faculty of Economics and Management; 2016,3)

Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

A theory of child adoption

Bethmann, Dirk; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Journal of economic development - Seoul, Korea : Economic Research Institute of Chung-Ang University, Bd. 47 (2022), Heft 2, S. 101-114

Male gatekeepers - gender bias in the publishing process?

Bransch, Felix; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Journal of economic behavior & organization - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, Bd. 202 (2022), S. 714-732

Local labor markets and the persistence of population shocks - evidence from West Germany : 1939-1970

Braun, Sebastian; Kramer, Anica; Kvasnicka, Michael; Meier, Philipp

In: Journal of economic geography - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, Bd. 21 (2021), Heft 2, S. 231-260

Local labor markets and the persistence of population shocks - evidence from West Germany, 1939-1970

Braun, Sebastian; Kramer, Anica; Kvasnicka, Michael; Meier, Philipp

In: Journal of economic geography - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press - 2020, September, 30 Seiten

The health effects of smoking bans - evidence from German hospitalization data

Kvasnicka, Michael; Siedler, Thomas; Ziebarth, Nicolas R.

In: Health economics - New York, NY : Wiley, Bd. 27 (2018), Heft 11, S. 1738-1753

Nuclear power plant closures and local housing values - evidence from Fukushima and the German Housing Market

Bauer, Thomas; Braun, Sebastian; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Journal of urban economics - Orlando, Fla : Academic Press, Bd. 99.2017, S. 94-106

Temporary agency work and the great recession

Baumgarten, Daniel; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Journal of economic behavior & organization - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, Bd. 136.2017, S. 29-44

War, marriage markets, and the sex ratio at birth

Kvasnicka, Michael; Bethmann, Dirk

In: The Scandinavian journal of economics - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, Bd. 116.2014, 3, S. 859-877

Immigration and structural change - evidence from post-war Germany

Braun, Sebastian; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Journal of international economics - Amsterdam [u.a.]: NH Elsevier, Bd. 93.2014, 2, S. 253-269

National sentiment and economic behavior - evidence from online betting on European football

Braun, Sebastian; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Journal of sports economics - London [u.a.]: Sage, 2000, Bd. 14.2013, 1, S. 45-64

World War II, missing men and out of wedlock childbearing

Bethmann, Dirk; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: The economic journal: the journal of the Royal Economic Society - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1891, Bd. 123.2013, 567, S. 162-194

The economic integration of forced migrants - evidence for post-war Germany

Bauer, Thomas K.; Braun, Sebastian; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: The economic journal: the journal of the Royal Economic Society - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1891, Bd. 123.2013, 571, S. 998-1024

Men, women, and the ballot - Gender imbalances and suffrage extensions in the United States

Braun, Sebastian; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Explorations in economic history: EEH - Orlando, Fla.: Acad. Press, 1969, Bd. 50.2013, 3, S. 405-426

Much ado about nothing? - smoking bans and Germany's hospitality industry

Kvasnicka, Michael; Tauchmann, Harald

In: Applied economics - New York, NY: Routledge, 1969, Bd. 44.2012, 35, S. 4539-4551

The institution of marriage

Bethmann, Dirk; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Journal of population economics - Berlin: Springer, 1988, Bd. 24.2011, 3, S. 1005-1032

One last puff? - public smoking bans and smoking behavior

Anger, Silke; Kvasnicka, Michael; Siedler, Thomas

In: Journal of health economics - Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co., 1982, Bd. 30.2011, 3, S. 591-601

Does smoking really harm your earnings so much? - biases in current estimates of the smoking wage penalty

Anger, Silke; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Applied economics letters - New York, NY : Routledge, Bd. 17 (2010), Heft 6, S. 561-564

Zeitarbeit in Deutschland - Trends und Perspektiven

Burda, Michael C.; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik. - Berlin : de Gruyter, Bd. 7.2006, 2, S. 195-225

Anderes Material

Essays on the interrelationship between the labor market and the family

Keldenich, Carina; Knabe, Andreas; Kvasnicka, Michael; Weimann, Joachim

In: Magdeburg, 2021, 213 Seiten, 30 cm


Essays on population and housing economics

Kürschner Rauck, Kathleen; Kvasnicka, Michael; Noth, Felix

In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft 2020, iii, 119 Blätter [Literaturangaben; Enthält 3 Aufsätze][Literaturangaben; Enthält 3 Aufsätze]

Essays on population economics

Huang, Yue; Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Magdeburg, 2019, ii, 130 Blätter, Illustrationen, Diagramme, 30 cm


Does temporary help work provide a stepping stone to regular employment?

Kvasnicka, Michael

In: Studies of labor market intermediation - Chicago, Ill. [u.a.] : Univ. of Chicago Press ; Autor, David H. . - 2009, S. 335-372


Current projects

Biases and Inefficiency in the Academic Publishing Process
Duration: 01.01.2017 bis 31.12.2026

The phrase "publish or perish” succinctly describes the great importance of publications in academia for careers, promotions, and third-party funding. This empirical project investigates various potential biases related to author/editor institutional affiliation, gender, and location that may impede the efficiency of the publishing process.

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Refugee Immigration and Crimes against Non-Refugee Foreigners
Duration: 30.05.2020 bis 31.12.2025

The 2015 refugee crisis brought nearly one million refugees to Germany, fuelling anti-foreigner sentiments. Using county-level special data extracts from the German Federal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt), this project explores the effects of this refugee immigration on the rate of victimization of non-refugee foreigners in bodily injury crimes with German suspects in Germany.

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Completed projects

Smoke Alarms, Fatal Fires and Bodily Harm
Duration: 01.01.2018 bis 31.12.2023

The use of smoke alarms has increased across countries, often as a result of legal initiatives that made their use compulsory. Evidence on the effectiveness of such legislative measures in reducing fire-related fatalities and bodily harm, however, is still lacking. This empirical project seeks to provide first such evidence.

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Deutschland und die Flüchtlingskrise im Jahr 2015
Duration: 01.06.2017 bis 31.08.2020

Im Mittelpunkt des empirisch ausgerichteten DFG Projektes steht die Frage, wie sich der starke Zustrom Asyl- und Schutzsuchender nach Deutschland im Jahr 2015 auf verschiedene Bereiche der Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft ausgewirkt hat. Konkret werden die Auswirkungen des Massenzustroms an Flüchtlingen nach Deutschland in vier Kernbereichen analysieren: (1) Wahlergebnisse, (2) Immobilienmärkte, (3) Gewalt gegen Ausländer (in der aktuellen sowie letzten Flüchtlingskrise in den 1990er Jahren) und Kriminalität durch Ausländer, sowie (4) Spendenverhalten, sowohl monetär als auch in Form von Gütern und Freiwilligendiensten.

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Confucius Institutes Abroad and Overseas Students in China
Duration: 01.01.2018 bis 31.12.2019

Overseas students in China have increased substantially over the last two decades, as has the number of Confucius Institutes abroad.  This empirical project investigates whether the growing number of such public institutions, which aim to promote Chinese language and culture, contributed to the growth in overseas student numbers in China.

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State Purchases of Confidential Bank Data and Voluntary Disclosures
Duration: 01.01.2015 bis 30.06.2019

International tax evasion has become a major source of discontent for tax authorities. State purchases of bank data on suspected tax evaders from international tax havens constitute one tool to combat such tax evasion. Increasing the risks of detection, such purchases may spur voluntary disclosures for fear of facing charges for tax fraud. Tax authorities in Germany have made repeated use of this tool in recent years, above all in North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany's most populous federal state. Using self-compiled data for North-Rhine Westphalia on the timing and content of data acquisitions and on monthly voluntary disclosures of international tax evasion involving Swiss banks, we study the effects that such acquisitions had on the evolution of voluntary disclosures over time.

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Does A Child Quantity-Quality Trade-Off Exist? Evidence from the One-Child Policy in China
Duration: 01.11.2013 bis 31.12.2017

Evidence on the existence of a trade-off between child quantity and child quality, as suggested by Gary S. Becker, is still inconclusive. This also holds true for empirical studies on China that exploit for identification the country's One-Child Policy (OCP) as an exogenous source of variation in the number of offspring. However, this body of literature suffers from a number of shortcomings, in particular measurement error in the key policy variable (a household's coverage by OCP) and in the outcome variable of interest (schooling choices, i.e. child quality). Using census data for China and a continuous OCP variable that can address these shortcomings, the results provide evidence for the existence of a sizeable quantity-quality trade-off within households with mothers who are Han and have agricultural Hukou.

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Distant Event, Local Effects? Fukushima and the German Housing Market
Duration: 01.10.2013 bis 30.06.2017

The Fukushima Daiichi accident in Japan in March 2011 caused a fundamental change in Germany s energy policy which led to the immediate shut down of nearly half of its nuclear power plants. This paper uses data from Germany´s largest internet platform for real estate to investigate the effect of Fukushima on the German housing market. Using a difference-in-differences approach, we find that Fukushima reduced house prices near nuclear power plants that were in operation before Fukushima by almost 5%. House prices near sites that were shut down right after the accident even fell by 9.7%. Our results suggest that economic reasons are of prime importance for the observed fall in house prices near nuclear power plants in Germany.

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Immigration and Rental Prices of Residential Housing: Evidence from the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Duration: 01.11.2015 bis 31.12.2016

The fall of the Berlin Wall on 9th November 1989 sparked a mass exodus of East Germans to West Germany. This paper exploits the natural experiment provided by the unexpected disintegration of socialist East Germany to study the impact that immigration has on residential housing rents in recipient regions. Using a spatial correlation approach, annual district-level migration data for 1991 and 1992 and unique rental price indicators from Germany's major regional property market information system, we find strong evidence for a positive and sizeable effect of immigration on rental prices of residential housing. A one percent population increase due to immigration is associated with an approximate increase in minimum and average category rents by 4.8 and 3.3%, respectively. Additional explorations that employ IV approaches, based on historical settlement patterns of migrants from the former Soviet Occupation Zone as well as various exogenous origin-region push factors related to the deteriorating economic conditions in East Germany following reunification, yield estimates of even larger magnitude. These results suggest that immigration has important economic effects outside the labour market, traditionally the prime domain of economic enquiries into the consequences of immigration. Our findings cast doubt on the appropriateness of this bias in focus.

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